
【訃報】Jackie Pittsさん


日本女子ラクロスの創設に多大な貢献をしてくださったJackie Pittsさんが、8月30日金曜日に米国デラウェア州のご自宅で逝去されました。87歳でした。


日本女子ラクロスの普及にジャッキーが直接関わるようになったのは1988年8月、日本から6名の女子プレーヤーが初めて米国のラクロスキャンプ、つまりジャッキー主催のHilltop International Campに参加した時からでした。この時、日本女子選手たちはジャッキーの家だけでなく、ジャッキーの友人や教え子たちの家にホームステイをし、はじめて「lacrosse makes friends」の素晴らしさを経験しました。そしてこのキャンプで学んだルールや練習方法の知識を日本に広めるべく、帰国後に福島県の猪苗代合宿が開催され、ジャッキーも来日しました。そこで日本で初めての本格的な練習や練習試合を指導し、この合宿中に、翌年の第1回ラクロス国際親善試合に向けて、ジャッキーが初の全日本代表選手を選出したのです。それ以降多くの日本人選手たちがジャッキーのキャンプや家を訪れてきました。 “ジャッキーとは、英会話もままならなかったけどハートで会話をしていました。ジャッキーに、あの月は、日本でもアメリカでも同じです、寂しくなったら同じ月をみて心を通じ会おうね、と励まされました” “ラクロスを愛し、人を愛し、テディベアも大好きだったジャッキーはラクロスを通じて世界中の人々と出会い、皆の心に暖かい、確かな足跡を残してくれました。” たくさんの哀悼のコメントがよせられています。



Jackie Pitts, who contributed so much to the founding of women’s lacrosse in Japan, passed away on Friday, August 30 at her home in Delaware, U.S.A. She was 87 years old.

She was a talented lacrosse player, coach, educator, camp director, executive, and pioneer in the international development of the sport.
She was the head coach of the U.S. women’s national team, leading the U.S. to its first world championship in 1982. She also served as president of the United States Women’s Lacrosse Association (USWLA) and the International Federation of Women’s Lacrosse Association (IFWLA).

Jackie’s involvement in developing women’s lacrosse in Japan began in August 1988, when six women from Japan attended their first lacrosse camp in the United States, the Hilltop International Camp hosted by Jackie. At this camp, the Japanese women’s players stayed not only at Jackie’s house, but also at the homes of Jackie’s friends and students, and for the first time experienced the heritage of “lacrosse makes friends”. After returning to Japan, a training camp was held in Inawashiro, Fukushima Prefecture, and Jackie came to Japan to develop the knowledge of rules and practices learned at the camp. There, Jackie led the first full-scale practices and practice games in Japan, and during this camp, Jackie was selected as the first Japanese national team player for the first international lacrosse friendship Game the following year. Since then many Japanese players have visited Jackie’s camps and homes.
“Jackie and I couldn’t even speak English, but we spoke from the heart. Jackie encouraged me that the moon was the same in Japan as it is in the U.S., and that if I ever felt lonely, I should look at the same moon and see if we could communicate.” ”Jackie loved lacrosse, loved people, and loved teddy bears. Through lacrosse, Jackie met people from all over the world and left a warm passion on everyone’s heart.” Many condolences have been received.

It is no doubt because of her contributions 35 years ago that the Japanese national team was able to win the bronze medal at the U20 Women’s World Championships last month. We would like to express our deepest condolences and prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased.



お問合せ:日本ラクロス協会 広報部 今井健司